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$2.33 per minute$Each subject/character to be read upon - $25.00
Namaste~Accurate, compassionate seer revealing what and why then focusing on you. Blessings and love shared with all.
LightRae has been honored to successfully assisted many though difficult and important life experiences. She has read and shed a new light on practically all imaginable situations for clients by email, chat, phone and in person for over 25 years. The tools, if any, used depends upon the client and the situation of concern. Some of the tools used in readings may be: Guides, Angels, Elementals, Tarot, Pendulum, Runes, Crystals, Mirror, Water, Fire, Earth, Air elements. LightRae calls upon past experiences/patterns in place, intuition, psychic impressions and messages, and the long time study of spirituality, Wicca, masters, ascension, aura fields, reiki, light healing, self-help, self-healing, holistic and empowering approaches to problems.
I am here to serve those who come to me and I genuinely am concerned about and care for those whom are drawn to me. I believe that each one is brought to me for a reason and I try to meet or exceed the needs of those seeking assistance with their spirituality, or daily life, and in their career, relationships, love life and/or any other life experience. I promise to draw upon all that is available to me to help those in need or those who are in a heart breaking situation to come out of that condition and move on to a more beneficial level of managing the situation as it appears to be. All through life, there are moments of destiny that will shape the pattern and direction of your life: episodes of self discovery, shifts in relationship, health and medical decisions, times to evaluate location, career, finances and philosophy. The forming patterns of today -- and tomorrow, provide valuable insights upon which wiser decisions can be made. Most importantly, patterns provide a perspective. It's your life! To be successful, decisions must be made intelligently, even at times of great stress. Knowledge of present -- and future trend is essential in making wise decisions. With such knowledge, you can make more appropriate choices and fulfill the potentials you were meant to experience. That's the real meaning of destiny -- fulfillment of purpose, to express dynamically the full potential you inherited in that first eventful moment of birth. Upon connection to a client, whether by phone or online, I "see" a picture in my mind's eye. I begin to see colors, or become aware of the small quiet voice from within which suggests the state of mind and current situations or concerns. Most of the information I receive is from my angelic guides, through sight, sound, and memories. I may use Tarot, Playing Cards, Runes, Pendulum, Mirror, Crystals, Fire, Earth, Air or Water Elements as divination tools... or nothing but our connection. Feel free to ask anything that is concerning you & I will gladly look into it; returning to you the reply I receive. Many times, a new light is shed on the situation. Picking up on love partners is a specialty of mine & I can help you to understand their feelings as well as your own. Disclaimer: All psychic and intuitive guidance is offered with the sincere intent to clarify & assist. The ultimate choices belong with each individual & one giving insights can not assume responsibility for a client’s choices. All insights given to clients are offered as entertainment only. Any medical condition: Consult a physician first & last. Take responsibility for your own life; your choices. Use gained wisdom & sound judgment in in life. Knowledge is Power when used properly. With wisdom & knowledge comes accountability; empowerment