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$2.33 per minute$Each subject/character to be read upon - $25.00
Namasti! Truth and knowledge are powerful tools - I am here & ready to answer your heart's concerns, reveal hidden agendas, & bridge the gap of truth.
LightRae has been honored to successfully assisted many though difficult and important life experiences. She has read and shed a new light on practically all imaginable situations for clients by email, chat, phone and in person for over 25 years. The tools, if any, used depends upon the client and the situation of concern. Some of the tools used in readings may be: Guides, Angels, Elementals, Tarot, Pendulum, Runes, Crystals, Mirror, Water, Fire, Earth, Air elements. LightRae calls upon past experiences/patterns in place, intuition, psychic impressions and messages, and the long time study of spirituality, Wicca, masters, ascension, aura fields, reiki, light healing, self-help, self-healing, holistic and empowering approaches to problems.