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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Rameshwar Parsad

I want to offer you what I truly believe to be one of the most wonderful astrology readings you'll ever read about yourself.

M.A. in Astrology


                 Rameshwar Parsad



My name is Rameshwar Parsad

Thank for visit on my profile and I am a practicing psychic reading and tarot reader for the past 10 years.

I also read Aura Reading and Aura Scane

I try to the best of my ability to read the cards accurately and with a sense of purpose

About Me
Name : Rameshwar Parsad
Date Of Birth : 12/6/1958
Native language : English, Hindi
Blood Group : B+
Eye : Black Eye
Living : Family
Home Town : Lucknow
Activitie : Astrologer / Consultant
Passions : I like to give advice to persons
Sports : Cricket, Football

High School : Bsnv Basic School Lucknow Station Road in 1975
College/University : University of Lucknow in 1978

Specification I am Specelist in Aura Scan, Aura Reading, Love and Relationships.

  • Over the years, I've attained the highest level of achievement with the National Council of Geocosmic Research. This is an organization which I often lecture.
  • I think I'm a wizard with Astro*Carto*Graphy, as I've dared to spin it so many ways. My last workshop on Astro*Carto*Graphy with Solar Returns had everyone dizzy!

  • "I will be happy to answer questions about astrology in general, the meanings of planets, signs, houses, aspects, asteroids, Chiron, etc. I will NOT answer personal questions about your individual chart..."
  • To give a thorough analysis of how these two people are together would take several hours of analysis, and many pages of interpretation, and is outside of the scope of what I offer here.
  • The best relationships occur when one person has their Sun in harmony of the other person's Moon.  Your Capricorn person has his Sun in harmony with the Libra person's Taurus Moon.  There is a feeling of kindred spirits.
  • But Venus in Sag versus Venus in Capricorn shows that the two people have quite different tastes, and different ways of showing, and wanting to receive, affection.
  • Cancer Rising is square Libra Rising, so the two have different perspectives on the world around them. These perspectives can provide spice, but may also be a problem in that there can be different perspectives on what an ideal partnership is like (because the 7th houses of each person are also square.)  So compromises will definitely be necessary.

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