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Marriage is an institution with varied association. In Hinduism and in the Catholic religion at least, marriage is taken to be an indissoluble and sacred institution.
I come frame a long line of psychic’s, spiritual workers, and spell casters, I have been doing psychic readings since I was 7yrs old and I’m 32 now and have been doing spell work since I was 15yrs old but have been around it all my life .
Marital Life |
Marriage is an institution with varied association. In Hinduism and in the Catholic religion at least, marriage is taken to be an indissoluble and sacred institution. To these faiths, marriages are literally made in heaven. Marriage is one of the most important decisions of life. Hence it is important to find out the compatibility between the couples. Astrology for marriage gives details about the match, the details about the ups and downs in your married life, the amount of love between the couples, sexual compatibility, and chances of divorce and so on. Since the zodiac begins with Aries (Mesha). The natural seventh is Libra (Tula). The main indicators of marriage are Libra and its lord, as far as men are concerned. The seventh from Libra being Aries, the chief indicators of marriage for a woman are Aries and Mars. In a woman's chart, the Moon too must be taken into consideration since the menstrual period is regulated by Moon and Mars; and in a man's nativity Sun too must be examined carefully. When sun and moon are harmoniously configured in the horoscope of birth by being two signs or four signs (60 or 120 degrees) apart, and therefore, in the trine aspect to one another, or even in conjunction when well placed by the chief planets, there will be harmony and happiness in the marital life. On the other hand, when the luminaries are in quadrate or opposition or in conjunction or badly placed, there will be discord and trouble. The degree of discord and trouble is dependent on the power of adaptation. The lack of power of adaptation is chief cause of incompatibility of temperament. |