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I provide Aura Expert Aura reader with no sugar coating. Allow me to guide you to the right path in your life. Contact Aura for accuracy.
I come frame a long line of psychic’s, spiritual workers, and spell casters, I have been doing psychic readings since I was 7yrs old and I’m 32 now and have been doing spell work since I was 15yrs old but have been around it all my life .
Aura Reading |
Aura readings look at your spiritual energy system as represented in the seven layers of your aura. Along with colors, a reader may see memory pictures, symbolic images, spiritual beings and usually energies belonging to others--like friends and family members. Readings can help you identify and release blocks. Readings also help you get in touch with your own energy, so you can know your own truth and make the highest choices for yourself. In our opinion, the best readings are not fortune telling: the reader does not focus on telling you, "...you're going to meet a tall dark stranger etc..." Our Auras Expert aura readings are not predictive. Rather, our readings look at your spiritual energy system: the layers of your aura, your energy channels, chakras, etc. In an aura reading, the reader looks for what is your energy and what is not your energy. In each layer of your aura, the reader sees different colors and identifies which colors represent your own energy and which colors are unwanted energies. Often just by recognizing that something is not your energy, you can begin to release it. By looking at your aura, a reader gets a sense of who you really are, where you're coming from, and how you're wanting to grow as spirit. They may see past experiences which have affected you. They may also get insights into next steps you're wanting to take in future. But the best readers respect free will. They will not tell you that, "You will do this..." or "You should do that..." The future is not fixed. You have the ability to create healing and change your course of action at any time. The future is determined by the choices you make in the present. So reading the aura focusses mostly on your energy system in the present. Having someone else seeing and validating your energy in the present moment is very healing and empowering. When you receive a reading, it's useful to stay out of your analytical mind as much as possible. Some things a reader says will immediately make sense to you. Other things you hear won't make any sense to you at the moment. This is natural... Readings often take a while to sink in and digest. Sometimes it will take a couple of hours, sometimes a couple of weeks, sometimes a few months, and sometimes even a few years! Ideally, readings are not primarily advice-giving sessions. The best aura readings are healing, empowering and support you in getting in touch with your own answers. |