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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Rameshwar Parsad

It is a practice of predicting the future of a person. This is a commercial exercise often taken up by many a people to support their living.

I come frame a long line of psychic’s, spiritual workers, and spell casters, I have been doing psychic readings since I was 7yrs old and I’m 32 now and have been doing spell work since I was 15yrs old but have been around it all my life .

Fortune Telling

It is a practice of predicting the future of a person. This is a commercial exercise often taken up by many a people to support their living. This is a great study which requires lot of effort and dedication to achieve it to a certain level.

It is somewhat similar to divination; the only difference it carries is that divination is the practice related to evoking of religious spirits of deities. Fortune telling is less serious concept which is associated greatly with gypsies. In 19th and 20th century, methods of divination from countries apart from western one adopted I- Ching as a method of fortune telling which ultimately became very popular in Western countries.However, in the Old Testament the use of divination is strongly opposed and even prohibited.

Commonly, methods used for fortune telling in Europe and the Americas include, spirit board reading, fortune telling by reading cards, tarot card reading, reading future from looking into a crystal ball, reading and suggesting measures using gems and stones and most famous palmistry which is reading of the palms. Another form of fortune-telling, sometimes called "reading" or "spiritual consultation" does not rely on the use of specific devices or methods, but consists of the practitioner transmitting to the
client advice and predictions which are said to have come from spirits or in visions. Fortune telling is full-fledged profession for many around the earth. It is hierarchical system in which the power and all the methods of reading one’s fortune is delivered from one generation to the next.

Fortune teller often predicts or forecasts the mis-happening and is also known to offer remedies and certain ritual to avoid the mishap. In the ancient times, people relied on the fortune telling activities to a great extent and thus, planned their workings accordingly. But the actual part is that although the science has emerged but the market for fortune teller remains the same. It has even emerged strongly, surprisingly in the urban sector where people have started relying on the practice.

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