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Yogiraj Astrologer

How it Works
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Rameshwar Parsad

An Aura Scan is the perfect tool to give you a deep insight into your energy body and explain the different aspects of your personality, your emotions and your spirituality.

I come frame a long line of psychic’s, spiritual workers, and spell casters, I have been doing psychic readings since I was 7yrs old and I’m 32 now and have been doing spell work since I was 15yrs old but have been around it all my life .


Great effort has been taken to duplicate the actual vibrational qualities of each individual Aura Scan. Radiation given off by life-forms and elements vibrate beyond the basic visible spectrum and must be experienced first hand for accuracy. Colors as they appear in scans may differ depending on the monitor viewed. Digital technology limits the variety of colors and tones. Metempyrion has used the latest available format and technologies to present the most accurate energy portraits.

Translucent watercolor paint of the highest quality, on paper was chosen for the ability of overlapping colors in space most closely corresponding to the visual effect in the energy field.

The Aura Scan interview format is used to confirm the reliability and quality of clairvoyance. This format clearly defines problems about which the client is or should be concerned. Clients remain fully clothed during the interview. No personal questions are asked until after the painting of the etheric body is completed.

  • Welcome – includes a brief introduction to the process. No personal questions asked until after the painting of the etheric body is complete.

  • Choosing view – front, side; which best suits the client’s needs.

  • Initiate scan – the client is asked to stand or sit 4 – 6 feet away, against a neutral background.

  • Begin painting what is immediately visible

  • Continue scan to complete painting and verify aspects recorded

  • Explanation of the painting – what is indicated as needing attention

  • Confirm by questioning the client regarding life experiences, health, family history, emotional/mental states, and eating habits.

  • Record factual, relevant data

  • Recommendation/suggestions – for improvements; may include seeing specialists or practitioners; also affirmations and prayers are given

  • Close Interview

I offer you a personal reading in which your body is scanned using the most sophisticated equipment – the Aura Scan. You get your aura report in colour.

Then, in a personal consultation, we help you understand your aura and unlock valuable information about you. Further, to get your energies back in harmony and to develop your newly discovered strengths, I guide you through a set of specific meditations designed to deal with your problems on all levels - physical, emotional and mental, directly and immediately.

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