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    Prayers for the preservation of the devil Prayer 1I
    Prayers for the preservation of the devil Prayer 2 I
    Prayers for the welfare of the family
    Prayers from damage and the evil eye
    Prayers on the strength of demons
    Prayers to the Virgin Mary before the icon Her Tikhvinskaia
    Prayers to the Virgin Mary before the icon Her Tikhvinskaia Prayer of the seco
    Prayers which will be with you every day
    Print loneliness
    Programming rainwater
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    Protection against damage to water and nettles
    Protection against spoilage prayer
    Protection for the home
    Protection from damage by water and iron
    Protection from damage during pregnancy
    Protection from water damage
    Protective charms on the doorstep
    Protective charms on the doorstep
    Protective plot of gossip and rumors
    Psalm 139
    Psalm 45
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    Psalm 53
    Psalm 58
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    Psalm 67
    Psalm 90
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    Rules for successful trading
    Sage from the evil eye damage
    Saints and the healing springs
    Saints healing springs Diveevo Monastery
    Signs of a witchs impact
    Solomons Seal drug from the evil eye damage
    Source Paraskieva
    Sources of the Kazan Holy Nunnery
    Specific types of corruption and evil eye
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    Spell Holy Martyr Tryphon
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    Spell Prayer Spell of Saint Gregory the Miracle Worker
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    Ward House
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    Water live
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